How to trade Forex on Exness directly at the web by phone (No App required):

– To be simpler in the trading process, you can directly trade at the website without downloading any trading App to your phone

Step 1: Visit the web Then log in to your account. (If you do not have an account, you can open it HERE).

Step 2: After entering the account, on the main page, look at the top left corner of the screen => Select the 3-strike mark

Step 3: The table of contents will appear=> Select “Exness Products”.

Step 4: Select ” Exness Terminal

Step 5: So you have entered the place to trade on the Forex market. To trade, you need to have money in your account (If not, you can see the deposit instructions HERE).

Step 6: In the right corner of the ” Market” section, you will see a section ” Volume in Lots” – This is where you choose the trading volume for 1 order. Blackmantrader selects 0.01 lot.

Step 7: After analyzing the market, you can determine whether the market will increase or decrease in a certain period of time => Here Blackmantrader for example selects “BUY”.

Step 8: The order will be opened as below .

Step 9: Once you have reached a certain profit level that you want, you can lock in the profit by selecting the X as shown in the picture. So 1 trading order on the Forex market has been completed.

Blackmantrader wishes you profitable trading.

Thông tin giá vàng chỉ mang tính chất tham khảo. Để theo dõi thị trường một cách chính xác hãy truy cập TRANG CHỦ EXNESS


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